1 |
International Journal Of Engineering Research And Management Technology |
2348-4039 |
www.ijermt.org |
2014 |
7.09 |
2 |
International Journal of Advanced Research In Engineering Technology And Sciences |
2349-2819 |
www.ijarets.org |
2014 |
7.10 |
3 |
International Journal of Education and Scientific Research Review |
2349-1817(P), 2348-6457(E) |
www.ijesrr.org |
2014 |
7.02 |
4 |
International Journal of Arts & Education Research |
2278-9677 |
www.ijaer.org |
2012 |
7.06 |
5 |
International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences and Technology |
e-ISSN: 2455-5134, p-ISSN: 2455-9059 |
www.ijrmst.com |
2015 |
5.807 |
6 |
International Journal of Professional Studies |
e-ISSN: 2455-6270, p-ISSN: 2455-7455 |
www.ijps.in |
2015 |
1.976 |
7 |
Multidisciplinary International Journal |
e-ISSN: 2454-924X, p-ISSN: 2454-8103 |
www.mijournal.in |
2015 |
3.906 |
8 |
International Journal of Innovations in Electronic & Electrical Engineering |
e-ISSN: 2454-9592, p-ISSN: 2454-8081 |
www.ijieee.in |
2015 |
2.598 |
9 |
International Journal of Inventions in Engineering and Science Technology |
e-ISSN: 2454-9584, p-ISSN: 2454-8111 |
www.ijiest.in |
2015 |
5.051 |
10 |
International Journal of Innovations in Applied Sciences and Engineering |
e-ISSN: 2454-9258, p-ISSN: 2454-809X |
www.ijiase.com |
2015 |
4.805 |
11 |
International Journal of Universal Science & Engineering |
e-ISSN: 2454-759X, p-ISSN: 2454-7581 |
www.ijuse.in |
2015 |
4.901 |
12 |
International Journal of Innovations in Scientific Engineering |
e-ISSN: 2454-6402; p-ISSN: 2454-812X |
www.ijise.in |
2015 |
5.012 |
13 |
International Journal of Transformations in Business Management |
2231-6868 |
www.ijtbm.com |
2011 |
5.987 |
14 |
International Journal of Development in Social Sciences and Humanities |
2455-5142 |
www.ijdssh.com |
2016 |
5.790 |
15 |
International Journal of Advancement in Social Science and Humanities |
2455-5150 |
www.ijassh.in |
2016 |
4.89 |
16 |
International Journal of Research in Science & Technology |
2249-0604 |
https://www.ijrst.com |
2011 |
6.258 |
17 |
International Journal of Research in Social Sciences & Humanities |
2249 - 4642 |
https://www.ijrssh.com/ |
2011 |
8.561 |
18 |
International Journal of Movement Education and Social Science (IJMESS) |
ISSN: 2278-0793, (Print) 2321-3779(Online) |
www.ijmess.org |
2012 |
5.62 |
19 |
International Journal of Physical Education, Health and Social Science |
2278-716X(Online) |
www.ijpehss.org |
2012 |
5.03 |
20 |
International journal of innovative research in science and engineering |
(O) 2454-9665,(P) 2455-0663 |
www.ijirse.com |
2015 |
2.03 |
21 |
International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineers |
(O)-2321-2055, (P)-2321-2047 |
www.ijeee.co.in |
2009 |
3.7 |
22 |
International Journal of Advance Research in Science and Engineering |
(P) 2319-8346, (E) 2319-8354 |
www.ijarse.com |
2012 |
6.1 |
23 |
International Journal of Science, Technology and Management |
(Print) 2394-1529, (Online) 2394-1537 |
www.ijstm.com |
2012 |
6.3 |
24 |
International Journal of Advanced Technology in Engineering and Science |
2348-7550 |
www.ijates.com |
2014 |
5.8 |